By | May 1, 2021

Are you into tech or do you have an interest in learning tech skills? If yes then here are some of the best and the most demanding tech skills in the year 2021 and will also be for other years as they are all skills that will be required for the development and some new discoveries in future tech.

In this article, you will be enlightened on various tech skills you can learn today that will keep you up to various tech companies’ requirements. Carefully read through this content and study each of the skills and pick the suitable one for you.

Below is the list of Tech skills for 2021 and above:

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Cybersecurity
  3. AI(Artificial Intelligence) and Machine learning
  4. DevOps
  5. Development
  6. Blockchain
  7. Augmented Reality(AR) and Virtual reality (VR)
  8. IoT (Internet of Things)
  9. UI/UX Design
  10. Quantum Computing

Now after listing out the ten best and most demand tech skills for 2021 and above, a Brief explanation will be given on each of the skills.

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Cloud Computing

According to Wikipedia, Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user.

Now after knowing what cloud computing is, You should know why it has been listed among the most demanding tech skills for 2021 and above.

Why should I choose cloud computing as a tech skill to learn?

Many companies are moving away from traditional server infrastructure to cloud solutions, the demand for IT professionals skilled in this area has risen steeply.

Cloud technology has opened up a number of new revenue channels, and with the likes of Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure changing the game, having cloud expertise is so essential because of its significance across every other skill set on this list.

Here is the list of companies currently running on cloud computing;

Company Name Cloud Computing Market Share
AWS 32%
Microsoft Azure 18%
Google Cloud 6%
Alibaba Cloud 5%

Click here for more companies running cloud computing 

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What is cybersecurity, It can be referred to as Computer security, cybersecurity, or information technology security is the protection of computer systems and networks from information disclosure, theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.

Why is cybersecurity listed among the most demanding tech skill in 2021?

Cybersecurity is one of the top technology trends in 2020 given the importance for companies that collected customer and user information to keep their networks secure from attacks.

A shortage of Cybersecurity skills among IT professionals has created an in-demand market for those with cybersecurity, information security, network security, and vulnerability assessment skills.

AI (Artificial Intelligent) and Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning have already begun to revolutionize industries and hiring in these areas are on the rise globally. For example, LinkedIn’s 2020 Emerging Jobs Report UK found that Artificial Intelligence Specialist was the number 1 emerging job this year.

The skills most in demand across AI and Machine Learning are TensorFlow, Python, Java, R, and Natural Language Processing, and due to its popularity, IT professionals that are equipped with these are sure to be in demand in 2021 and able to command high salaries.

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Talking about DevOps, It means a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations. It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevOps is complementary with Agile software development; several DevOps aspects came from the Agile methodology.

You should know to learn to be an expert in DevOps because DevOps professionals have revolutionized the way businesses meet the growing demands of their customers and the best DevOps professionals are those that are able to work with other areas across the business.

Being able to speed up processes and development cycles all while maintaining a high degree of accuracy and not compromising on security is what talented DevOps professionals are all about.


The rate at which developers are been a demand across most IT due to part to the increasing demand for software and applications as the world becomes more digitally connected is unimaginable so it’s advisable you go for this skill in case you’re yet to decide what tech skill to go for.

Full Stack Developer ranked 2nd in Indeed’s best jobs of 2020 study and ranked top in terms of growth.


Originally devised for the digital currency Bitcoin, blockchain has evolved. The tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology, such as peer-to-peer payments, crowdfunding, file storage, identity management, digital voting, etc. Learn more about blockchain/cryptocurrency jobs in this article.

“With platforms like Ethereum taking the lead, more and more companies need developers who understand the blockchain, smart contracts, and can build decentralized applications,” writes Anna Belaya.

Some of the blockchain skills you should know to include networking, cryptography computing, database design, and programming languages ranging from Java, JavaScript, and C++ to Go, Solidity, and Python.

Read More about other tech skills you can learn to keep you updated from 2021 upward and also not just keep you updated but gives you a good job with a very nice income.

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